The Foot & Mouth disease outbreak in 2001 stripped the fells of visitors for many weeks, and was a truly dreadful experience for all involved in the farming community. People were told to keep off the fells for the duration. Over the weeks, the landscape changed. No people out in the valley. Things grew, grass, flowers, silences. Wildlife proliferated very quickly, soon deer were down from the high fells. It became very lush. Nature does rally and rebuild surprisingly quickly, people are not the truly dominant presence, and the world is achingly rich and beautiful beyond belief or credibility.
These pages are for those who love Rydal and are missing their visits to us. We hope that these thoughts and images will help to maintain memories and give something to look forward to, when this is over. Rydal will still be here and welcoming.
1. A Short walk in ‘Crow Wood
2. Dora’s Field & Rydal Mount garden
3. A short March walk on Nab
4. Looking hard and close
5. March in a Rydal Garden
6. Sheep!
7. Rydal Mount Garden
8. Another walk on the quieter part of Nab
9. Looking at Lichens
10. Tree Forms
11. William Wordsworth’s 250th Anniversary
12. Some animals of Rydal
13. I remember FMD
14. Photographs Of the Rydal Valley from
(About Photo North)
Crow Wood
(A sort of visual journal)